Integrative Health Coaching Training at DUKE: Module Four

The Labyrinth at Duke Integrative Medicine
The Labyrinth at Duke Integrative Medicine

It’s hard to believe, but Sunday my training came to an end and my friends and I were sent out into the world, certificates in hand, as Integrative Health Coaches. This last four-day module flew by, but fortunately we had plenty of time and space to reflect on and celebrate our four months together.

As with the previous modules, there were fascinating presentations (on Genomics, Spirtuality and Health, Business and Marketing) and opportunities to learn, practice and review coaching skills. It was the final module, though, so the major theme was “next steps,” as in: “What are you all actually going to do with this training, and how are you going to do it?” Of course, each of us has a unique answer to that question, and some of us (me!) are still trying to figure it all out.

To all those who’ve been following these posts to get the “inside scoop” on the training program, here’s the bottom line: It’s excellent. If you came across the description on the Duke website and thought to yourself, “This sounds amazing, but I wonder if it’s really worth it”—It’s totally worth it. There were a few participants who struggled at times and voiced some minor criticisms of the program privately, but everyone of them also expressed deep gratitude for the experience as a whole. Of course, no training will meet everyone’s needs and expectations. That said—I’ve been around the block a few times and have participated in trainings sponsored by mainstream, respected institutions, as well as a few interesting, yet kinda New-Agey/Woo-Woo affairs. This Integrative Health Coaching training at Duke Integrative Medicine has been hands-down, THE BEST. Solid, grounded in rigorous research, expertly crafted and delivered, and yeah, a little touchy-feely at times. But the mushy stuff came from a place of such open-heartedness and authenticity that it softened even the prickliest of us.

Most of all, though, this training was about the people—both those who instructed us and the forty or so of us who came from all over the country to form this community of kindred spirits. Many of us will continue to network and work together as we carry our visions forward in the world. What an amazing group of people! Thank you all.

If anyone has further questions about anything, feel free to comment here or email me at “bob at integralhealthresources dot com.”