Mindfulness & Psychotherapy ~ Shinzen Young

Shinzen Young talks about the historical cross-fertilization between early Buddhism and other cultures, and goes on to share how now in the west, neuroscience, physics, contemplative traditions and psychotherapy are being cross-fertilized with mindfulness practice. He goes on to share the similarities and differences between psychotherapy and mindfulness. Filmed in Nov. 2009 at Mt. Carmel Spiritual Centre in Niagara Falls.

Jon Kabat Zinn’s Science of Mindfulness

jon-kabat-zinnI recently listened to this great discussion between Speaking of Faith host Krista Tippett and secular meditation teacher and clinical researcher Jon Kabat-Zinn.

I’m a HUGE fan of Jon Kabat-Zinn. He has a way of cutting through the fog and getting right to the essence of what mindfulness is all about. He doesn’t rely on jargon or woo-woo spiritual concepts. He expresses an embodied understanding of what it means to be present to one’s life, to pay attention to the here and now of direct experience. He also has a firm grasp of the growing body of scientific evidence on the many health benefits of meditation.

One day I will attend one of the retreats/workshops he gives through the UMASS Center for Mindfulness.

Enjoy the discussion!

[Also, check out this October 11, 2007 Google Talk—one of the best introductions to mindfulness I have ever seen]: